Van Mahotsav(Tree Plantation)
Trees are life line to all the living things on EARTH. Trees help in maintaining pollution level and clean atmosphere of dangerous gases etc.
India has a long tradition of maintenance of trees. There is one community in India which has sacrificed their lives to discourage felling of trees.
We celebrate VAN MAHOTSAV i.e plantation of trees all over India during first week of July every year.
Accordingly POWER DRIVE BEARINGS PVT LTD being conscious of its corporate responsibility and to impress upon the importance of trees celebrated VAN MAHOTSAV on 2nd July 2016 at SANAND works.
Everybody working with Power Drive group participated in this Mahotsav including our Director Shri V K Murarka. In all 70 trees were planted on that day. Each tree also bears the name of employee who has planted the tree.
This is first phase of tree plantation drive by us. In all we plan to plant about 400 trees in our premises at E 542 Sanand   GIDC-II, Ahmedabad. India
Tree Plantation On PowerDrive.....
Tree Plantation On PowerDrive.....